Hero Adventure is an action game set in a fantastical universe with controls similar to Archero's. This time, you help a magician make his way through dungeons and destroy the hundreds of creatures he finds there while also completing other missions.
The controls in Hero Adventure are as follows: tap the virtual joystick at the bottom of the screen to move your character. Unlike the original title, this time, you can attack while moving. He'll cast his spells as soon as an enemy is within range. But you'll have to keep him moving if you want to avoid enemy attacks.
When you start playing Hero Adventure, you'll only have a mediocre attack and defense. As you earn coins and experience, however, you can improve your skills, unlock new attacks, increase your regeneration capacity, and much more. So one of the strengths of Hero Adventure is the ability to improve your character by adding a variety of spells and attacks to the mix.
Hero Adventure is an excellent action and adventure game, with controls that are highly reminiscent of one of the biggest games in genre. The graphics are pretty good, too. Basically, this is a great way to pass the time killing monsters.